
Topic: visual programming

topics > computer science > programming > Group: types of programming languages

graphical user interface
program representation

decision table
descriptive languages
flow diagrams and flow charts
icons for a user interface
ladder diagram
object-oriented modelling language
problems with using icons
programming with forms
requirement specification by diagrams
robot programming via graphical model
scripting language
software components
structured flow diagram
vivid representation of programs
word vs. picture

Subtopic: visual programming up

Quote: text, graphics and tables are all needed for software [»joneTC4_1979a]
Quote: can base software languages on graphical representation of actual components; widely used in other fields, e.g., circuit diagrams [»joneTC4_1979a]
Quote: in paper solutions, 66% of participants used pictures or diagrams [»paneJF2_2001]
Quote: pictures and diagrams used early in a solution, when defining setup and layout
Quote: can base software languages on graphics derived from text, e.g., structured diagrams; most powerful category for humans and processing [»joneTC4_1979a]
Quote: programming by demonstration does not require knowledge of rule semantics; fits with graphical rewrite rules

Subtopic: examples up

Quote: KidSim uses graphical rewrite rules and programming by demonstration; allows children to specify behavior without programming [»smitDC7_1994]
Quote: every HANDS card has name-value pairs for cardname, x, y, back, speed, direction; automatic display and animation
Quote: programs are stored in Handy's thought bubble as a collection of event handlers; e.g., when any bee collides with any flower // subtract 1 from the flower's nectar [»paneJF9_2002]
Quote: make a role's schedules, documents, and correspondence visually available; visual cues of goals, tasks, events, and related individuals

Subtopic: 2-d language up

Quote: can base software languages on 2-d text, e.g., decision tables; excellent for organizing information but difficult to read and use [»joneTC4_1979a]
QuoteRef: baueFL7_1972 ;;Plankalhal is rather neat; predecessor language; uses 2-d format

Subtopic: network/dataflow programming up

Quote: Boxer's device programming is like electronic design where a few types of components are hooked together as a network; graphical and simple [»diseAA_1986]
Quote: in Visiprog have a network of nodes for programs and data showing their relationships; if edit a program node, then the resulting data node is updated [»kariRR7_1987]
Quote: dataflow input to a port from another process, a device icon, a literal, or empty (an immediate end)
Quote: SYNCRO for non-linear leveled data flow networks; pictorial representation
[»demaT3_1984] dQuote: given a name, SYNCRO gets a process and all its ports; can connect ports as desired in data flow, command drawing

Subtopic: flowcharting up

Quote: in a hybrid graphics language, the graphics provide the overview and context for textual details; e.g., flow charting [»joneTC4_1979b]
Quote: can base software languages on diagrams with text, e.g., flowcharts; useful for humans but difficult to process [»joneTC4_1979a]
Quote: schematic pseudocode provides graphical indications for sequential, repetitive, and conditional actions [»plamR7_1981]
Quote: Pancode is presented as box charts; like flowcharts [»jonsD8_1987]
Quote: program in MicroTool with a flowchart of single-entry, single-exit nodes [»elshJL1_1991]
Quote: uses machine translatable flow charts; sequence vertical, parallelism horizontal, refinement diagonal [»wittRW9_1977, OK]

Subtopic: multiple displays up

Quote: Programmers_Assistant maintains a program and a plan; the programmer can edit either and the analyzer or coder respectively updates the other [»wateRC1_1982]

Subtopic: tree of nodes up

Quote: represent a program as a tree of structure and reference nodes; a reference points to a node (its value); leaves are empty structures (atomic values); nodes have a descriptive label, e.g., "3256" for an atomic value [»edwaJ10_2005]
Quote: functions in Subtext are structures that react to change; changing a subnode changes the result [»edwaJ10_2005]

Subtopic: link display up

Quote: represent a link with a compass widget; on visit, the indicator tick extends to the link's source; need mouse to appreciate the dynamic display of reference [»edwaJ10_2005]

Subtopic: set diagram up

Quote: Euler/Venn diagrams are good for representing a collection of states and structural relations between them [»hareD5_1988]

Subtopic: hierarchical diagram up

Quote: visual representations of hierarchies: tree, chinese box, outline [»smitJB6_1987]

Subtopic: decision tree up

Quote: users did better with decision trees than with a linear syntax; languages should allow a graphical syntax [»vessI1_1986]

Subtopic: no structure up

QuoteRef: smitDC6_1975 ;;11 "But 'linear' programming languages have no spatial structure at all.

Subtopic: obsolete graphical tools up

Quote: when graphical tools become popular, a new programming paradigm makes them obsolete; e.g., flowcharts and structured programming; UML may indicate a paradigm shift

Related Topics up

Group: graphical user interface   (24 topics, 512 quotes)
Group: program representation   (25 topics, 659 quotes)

Topic: animation (20 items)
Topic: decision table (29 items)
Topic: descriptive languages (22 items)
Topic: flow diagrams and flow charts (21 items)
Topic: icons for a user interface (23 items)
Topic: ladder diagram (5 items)
Topic: object-oriented modelling language (6 items)
Topic: problems with using icons (11 items)
Topic: programming with forms (26 items)
Topic: requirement specification by diagrams (27 items)
Topic: robot programming via graphical model (4 items)
Topic: scripting language (27 items)
Topic: software components (11 items)
Topic: structured flow diagram (36 items)
Topic: vivid representation of programs (22 items)
Topic: word vs. picture
(12 items)

Updated barberCB 1/06
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