ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
Topic: quantified repetition
Topic: primitive data type as memory
Group: types of programming languages
Topic: visual programming
Topic: notation for operations
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Bauer, F.L., Wossner, H.,
"The 'plankalkul' of Konrad Zuse: a forerunner of today's programming languages",
Communications of the ACM, 15, 7, pp. 678-685, July 1972.
Other Reference
Bauer, F.L., "The Plankalkul of Konrad Zuse--Revisted," p. 277-293 in Rojas, R., and Hashagen, U. (eds.), The First Computers--History and Architectures, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press 2000.
QuoteRef: baueFL7_1972 ;;Plankalhal is rather neat; predecessor language; uses 2-d format
| QuoteRef: baueFL7_1972 ;;679 data type bit (O) so 2 dim array is m x n x sO
| QuoteRef: baueFL7_1972 ;;679 bit sequences limit range eg s1.4 is 4 x sO limited to 0-9
| QuoteRef: baueFL7_1972 ;;682 existence and for all operations eg .mu.x (x.inSet.V.and.r(x)) is next x such that x is in the slice of V and r(x) is true if no x found then statement is done
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