ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: data flow languages
Topic: visual programming
Topic: communication port
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DeMarco, T., Soceneantu, A.,
"SYNCRO: A dataflow command shell for the Lilith/Modula computer ",
Proceedings 7th International Conference on Software Engineering , IEEE Computer Society, March 1984, pp. 207-213.
207 ;;Quote: SYNCRO for non-linear leveled data flow networks; pictorial representation
| 208 ;;Quote: given a name, SYNCRO gets a process and all its ports; can connect ports as desired in data flow, command drawing
| 209 ;;Quote: dataflow output to another process, a device icon, or empty (discarded data)
| 209+;;Quote: dataflow input to a port from another process, a device icon, a literal, or empty (an immediate end)
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ThesaHelp: references c-d (337 items)
Topic: data flow languages (33 items)
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