ThesaHelp: references t-z
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: programming by sequential implementation
Topic: decision table
Topic: experimental results on programming
Topic: visual programming
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Vessey, I., Weber, R.,
"Structured tools and conditional logic: An empirical investigation",
Communications of the ACM, 29, 1, pp. 48-57, January 1986.
49 ;;Quote: a programmer identifies the taxa (conditions) for actions and convert them into a linear code sequence
| 57 ;;Quote: users did better with decision trees than with a linear syntax; languages should allow a graphical syntax
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ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z (280 items)
Topic: programming by sequential implementation (26 items)
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Topic: experimental results on programming (75 items)
Topic: visual programming (31 items)