Topic: primitive functions
Topic: notations for brackets
Group: code generation
Topic: words defined by words
Topic: compile-time execution
Topic: function syntax definition
ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: token
Topic: attribute-value pairs as information
Topic: function definition
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Bennett, R.K.,
"Build: a primitive approach to the design of computer languages and their translators",
SIGPLAN, 11, 7, pp. 34-40, July 1976.
QuoteRef: bennRK7_1976 ;;34 primitives are word, phrases, infix and prefix operators.
| 35 ;;Quote: the definition of word consists of its type and an attribute list (its meaning)
| QuoteRef: bennRK7_1976 ;;35 words classed as variable, infix operator
| QuoteRef: bennRK7_1976 ;;35 groups of words by phrase deliminators eg (...)
| QuoteRef: bennRK7_1976 ;;35 action operators for translation time execution eg ".." is the comment action operator
| QuoteRef: bennRK7_1976 ;;36 on all word definitions have override operation in case word has already been defined
| QuoteRef: bennRK7_1976 ;;37 many operators of all flavors-- eg for producing code
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