ThesaHelp: references i-l
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Group: naming
Topic: name server or name directory
Topic: attribute-value pairs as information
Topic: a single system image
Topic: alias names
Topic: timestamps
Topic: updating information in a distributed system
Topic: file cache
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Lampson, B.W.,
"Designing a global name service",
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, ACM, August 5-7, 1985, pp. 1-10.
"This design was done jointly by the author, Andrew Birrell, Roger Needham and Michael Schroeder"
1 ;;Quote: there are already enough names; one must know when to stop; this averts trouble
| 1 ;;Quote: a global name service should encompass all computers and users, like the postal and telephone systems
| 1+;;Quote: a global name service is for resource location, mail addressing, and authentication
| 1 ;;Quote: a name service maps an entity's name into a set of labeled properties; each value is a string; like Grapevine and Clearinghouse
| 2 ;;Quote: a name service client sees a hierarchy like a Unix file system; each arc has a string label and each node a time-stamp and present mark
| 2+;;Quote: a name service client sees a single hierarchy even though the database is distributed and replicated
| 2 ;;Quote: the value of a name may be a link, i.e., a full name for a directory
| 3 ;;Quote: update name directory copies by point-to-point messages backed by a global sweep for all updates before some time-stamp
| 4 ;;Quote: determine all copies of a name directory by linking them a ring; update by splicing and rebuild by defining a new epoch
| 6 ;;Quote: reliably cache names by defining an expiration time for each entry; can only move-and-relink unless expired
| 7 ;;Quote: update a name directory value by giving a path to the value with timestamps for each internal node; can make the update order immaterial
| 8 ;;Quote: a set of asynchronous updates uniquely define a state if update is total, commutative, and idempotent
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