ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: language extension via macros
Topic: attribute-value pairs as information
Topic: data record
Topic: conditional control by guards
Topic: parameters as argument place holders
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Hehner, E.C.R.,
"On removing the machine for the language",
Acta Informatica, 10, 3, pp. 229-243, 1978.
234 ;;Quote: a macro defines a name that stands for its definition; e.g., 'increment' can stand for 'i:=i+1'
| 235 ;;Quote: in a flag computer, only data structure is a set of index/element pairs
| 235 ;;Quote: in a flag computer, a map is a structure whose elements are values; a map is itself a value
| 237 ;;Quote: a plan is a set of assignments with indices; e.g., true/false indices and a boolean indexer
| 240 ;;Quote: should restrict parameter to standing for an argument's value
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