Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation
Topic: relational database
Topic: initialization of data
Topic: attribute-value pairs as information
Topic: dynamic vs. static data type
Topic: declaration through use
Topic: lambda calculus
Topic: restricted and extended types
Group: data type
Topic: expression language
Topic: database queries, joins, and relational algebra
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Bierman, G.M., Meijer, E., Torgersen, M.,
"Lost in translation: Formalizing proposed extensions to C#",
OOPSLA'07, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 2007, pp. 479-497.
479 ;;Quote: LINQ defines operators for querying data in object collections such as XML and SQL; no change to the virtual machine
| 480 ;;Quote: use name-value pairs for object initialization; e.g., new Country(Name="Monaco", ...)
| 480 ;;Quote: implicitly typed local declaration from copy assignment; var keyword
| 480 ;;Quote: LINQ infers IEnumerable from a select expression; it compiles with a lambda expression
481 ;;Quote: an extension method take 'this' as the first parameter; extends existing types such as IEnumerable
481 ;;Quote: an anonymous type is defined by new(f=v, ...); equivalent types if same property names and value types
| 481 ;;Quote: an expression tree, Expression, is an efficient, in-memory representation of a lambda expression; LINC translates expression trees into SQL
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Topic: declaration through use (7 items)
Topic: lambda calculus (16 items)
Topic: restricted and extended types (35 items)
Group: data type (34 topics, 730 quotes)
Topic: expression language (14 items)
Topic: database queries, joins, and relational algebra (34 items)