Topic: attribute-value pairs as information
Topic: routing electronic mailing
Topic: semi-structured text
Topic: semistructured messages for automated processing
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A message includes a header of information for automated processing; tagged with a unique keywords; using standard names and data formats.
Extend idea to semi-structured messages which have keywords and expected contents (but may also include arbitrary contents). This prompts the sender and receiver and allows automated handling. (cbb 11/88)
Subtopic: e-mail header
Quote: an electronic mail message consists of a header of formatted data and an unstructured body [»tsicD1_1983]
| Quote: Netnews on USENET uses the mail format defined for ARPANET [»hortMR10_1986]
| Quote: USENET mail headers consist of 'keyword: value pairs' with comments in parentheses [»hortMR10_1986]
Related Topics
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Topic: routing electronic mailing (12 items)
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