Topic: attribute-value pairs as information
ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: procedures as data
Topic: semantic grammar
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Katzenelson, J., Milgram, E.,
"A short presentation of the main features of AEPL--An extensible programming languages",
SIGPLAN, 6, 12, pp. 23-25, December 1971.
QuoteRef: katzJ12_1971 ;;24 "An object is an aggregate of 6 t values [basic and derived data types] called the attributes of that object
| QuoteRef: katzJ12_1971 ;;24 "The AEPL processor is a machine which is driven by a particular kind of data structure called programs.
| QuoteRef: katzJ12_1971 ;;24 "programs are data elements just like the other data elements
| 24 ;;Quote: EPBNF grammar of ordered, guarded, string transformation rules that include a semantic program
| 24+;;Quote: EPBNF grammar restarts the scan after each transformation
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