ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: heuristic-based systems
Topic: attribute-value pairs as information
Topic: knowledge representation by frames
Topic: self-regulating systems
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Lenat, D.B., Brown, J.S.,
"Why AM and EURISKO appear to work",
Artificial Intelligence, 23, 3, August 1984, pp. 269-294.
273 ;;Quote: AM and EURISKO do not mutate the meanings of concepts, they mutate the structural form of a concept in some representation
| 275 ;;Quote: an EURISKO heuristic is 20-30 slots with a line or two of code, an atom, or a short list
| 276 ;;Quote: in non-mathematical domains, EURISKO needs a rich set of slots for the domain and a frame of information about that type of slot
| 289 ;;Quote: AM found many interesting results (not all known to Lenat) with multiple discoveries per heuristic, and many heuristics per discovery
| 290 ;;Quote: for AM, started with a large number of concepts, slot definitions, an some initial values; only 1% of final knowledge added later
| 291 ;;Quote: AM exploited the natural tie between LISP and math by syntactically mutating small LISP programs
| 292 ;;Quote: AM and EURISKO are like perceptrons, i.e., societies of evolving, self-organizing, symbolic knowledge structures
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
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