ThesaHelp: references g-h
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: user-centered design
Topic: incremental development
Group: testing and evaluating user interfaces
Topic: programming as mathematics
Topic: text editing
Topic: forms as a UserInterface
Topic: prototyping
Topic: keyboard macros
Topic: ease of learning
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Gould, J.D., Lewis, C.,
"Designing for usability: Key principles and what designers think ",
Communications of the ACM, 28, 3, pp. 300-311, March 1985.
300 ;;Quote: early in system development, users should use simulations and prototypes for real work; record performance and reactions
| 300 ;;Quote: user testing demands iterative development to fix problems
| 301 ;;Quote: need to understand users through direct contact, interviews, observation, training exercises
| 301 ;;Quote: should interview users before designing the system, instead of getting users to agree to a design
| 302 ;;Quote: potential users should be part of the design time from the beginning
| 302 ;;Quote: need a process to attain ease of use; e.g., establishing testable behavior specifications and testing them
| 304 ;;Quote: the need for user testing demonstrates that rational analysis is not sufficient for system design
| 304 ;;Quote: typewriters still better for forms, and very short documents such as buck slips or telephone messages
| 309 ;;Quote: used a simulator to model keypad actions; the flexibility was so helpful that made it part of the product
| 310 ;;Quote: most novices learn ADS without training; much better than the earliest ADS prototype
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