ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: safe use of pointers
Topic: abstract data type
Topic: generic operations and polymorphism
Topic: data type as a set of values
Topic: restricted and extended types
Topic: variable as reference to a value
Group: type checking
Group: program proving
Topic: aliasing
Topic: program proof via assertions
Topic: pointer rotation
Topic: replacement as moving information
Topic: parameter passing by value-result
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Harms, D.E., Weide, B.W.,
"Copying and swapping: Influences on the design of reusable software components",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 17, 5, May 1991, pp. 424-435.
abstract ;;Quote: semantics differ for copying pointers and values; swapping is both efficient and consistent
| 425 ;;Quote: define generic, abstract data types with type parameters and hidden, representation types
| 425 ;;Quote: a data type is a character string that names a domain of values; domains and values are abstract
| 425+;;Quote: a variable is a character string that stands for some value in some type domain
| 426 ;;Quote: two arguments have the same type if both name the same mathematical domain
| 426 ;;Quote: reason about programs in terms of mathematical domains; e.g., 'string of integers' for a stack or queue, not its concrete representation
| 427 ;;Quote: copying a pointer may cause aliasing; so its abstract value can be changed as a side-effect
| 428 ;;Quote: specify postcondition in an ensures clause; use "#" prefix to indicate the previous value
| 429 ;;Quote: a language should replace copying with swapping, and disallow pointers at the client level
| 430 ;;Quote: assignment by replica() assigns a copy of the parameter; example of function assignment swapping the result
| 430 ;;Quote: under swapping style, a procedure call swaps arguments with parameters at entry and exit
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
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Topic: restricted and extended types (34 items)
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Group: program proving (10 topics, 310 quotes)
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