ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: object-oriented data types
Topic: data type by name or tags
Topic: error messages
Topic: preventing accidental errors
Topic: local vs. global
Topic: memory management by garbage collection
Topic: safe use of pointers
Group: exception handling
Topic: extensible languages
Topic: object-oriented methods
Topic: function signature
Topic: extensible systems
Topic: early vs. late binding
Topic: object-oriented classes
Topic: object code linkers and loaders
Topic: dynamic vs. static data type
Topic: efficiency
Topic: optimization of object-oriented programs
| |
Gosling, J.,
"The feel of Java",
Computer, June 1997, pp. 53-57.
54 ;;Quote: Java separates data and implementation; data contains type tags that identify appropriate implementations, e.g., for downloading
| 55 ;;Quote: Java seldom uses warning messages; e.g., 'used-before-set' is an error
| 55 ;;Quote: Java does not allow a local name to override a global name; an earlier version with name hiding caused accidental errors
| 55 ;;Quote: garbage collection is essential for reliability; avoids memory leaks and dangling pointers which are expensive to correct
| 55 ;;Quote: Java uses Modula 3's exception model; it works well and must be provided; e.g., an exception caused the loss of Ariane 5
| 55 ;;Quote: because of Java's late binding it is easy to change methods and private variables; just need to retain old methods or their type signatures
| 56 ;;Quote: class loaders in Java locate an implementation for a class by its textual name; e.g., locate a handler for a new MIME type by its name
| 56 ;;Quote: designed Java's semantics so that 'a=b+c' and 'p.m' could be implemented quickly; e.g., lead to static typing
| 56+;;Quote: strong typing simplifies syntactic analysis and identifies many programming errors
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
Topic: object-oriented data types (29 items)
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Topic: error messages (37 items)
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Topic: local vs. global (29 items)
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Topic: object-oriented classes (67 items)
Topic: object code linkers and loaders (31 items)
Topic: dynamic vs. static data type (24 items)
Topic: efficiency (96 items)
Topic: optimization of object-oriented programs (16 items)