Topic: multiple processors
ThesaHelp: references g-h
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: abstraction in programming
Topic: specification and design of distributed systems
Topic: models of parallel computation
Group: input/output
Topic: conditional control by guards
Topic: interprocess communication
Topic: synchronous communication through a channel
Topic: parallel control statements
Topic: replacement as setting a reference to a value
Topic: non-primitive values
Topic: undefined, null, and other signal values
Topic: communicating sequential processes
Topic: generalized repetition
Topic: communication port
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Hoare, C.A.R.,
"Communicating sequential processes",
Communications of the ACM, 21, 8, pp. 666-677, August 1978.
abstract ;;Quote: input and output are basic programming primitives and parallel composition is a fundamental program structure method; use guarded commands
| QuoteRef: hoarCA8_1978 ;;666 "The traditional stored program digital computer has been designed primarily for deterministic execution of a single sequential program
| 667 ;;Quote: interprocess communication when each process names the other for I/O; synchronizes at the mutual call
| 668 ;;Quote: every process in a parallel command must be disjoint; i.e., shared variables are read-only
| 668 ;;Quote: subscripts on processes indicate duplicate processes with different values for the indicated variables
| 668 ;;Quote: after an assignment, the value denoted by the variable is the same as the value from the expression
| 668 ;;Quote: a structured expression is the constructor of a value whose components are the values of its constituent expressions
| 668 ;;Quote: a signal is a structured value with no components
| 669 ;;Quote: interprocess communication when input and output commands 'correspond', i.e., each names the other process and variable matches value
| 669 ;;Quote: gives examples of cooperating I/O; reading, writing, input, and output
| 669 ;;Quote: a guarded command executed only if its guard is true
| 669+;;Quote: an alternative command executes exactly one guarded command; a repetitive command executes alternative commands until fail
| 675 ;;Quote: for communicating sequential processes either name source and destination or name the communication port
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