223 ;;Quote: distributed computers require organizational design and management
223 ;;Quote: distributed systems undergo continuous change
223 ;;Quote: open, distributed systems have decentralized decision making
223 ;;Quote: knowledge base of a distributed system is perpetually inconsistent
223 ;;Quote: in a distributed system, components need to negotiate for resources
223 ;;Quote: in a distributed system, information is incomplete; no closed-world assumption
223 ;;Quote: open, distributed systems never halt, accept input from unanticipated sources, output anytime
224 ;;Quote: electronic-banking is an example of an open, distributed system
224 ;;Quote: in electronic banking, valid transactions depend on an agreement between bank and the depositor
225 ;;Quote: problem-solving requires exploration instead of just search
225+;;Quote: problem solving requires exploration: no initial state, pre-defined operations, or goal state
227 ;;Quote: Planner allows fragmentary and heuristic knowledge to assist problem solving
227 ;;Quote: select Planner procedures by goal patterns
227 ;;Quote: Planner theorems are imperatives when executed and declaratives when data
229 ;;Quote: logical implication should be like a procedure, e.g., invoked by beliefs
229 ;;Quote: Planner procedures can be goal-invoked, i.e., a sub-goal is derived
230 ;;Quote: conjecture of inconsistency: any axiomatizations of human knowledge is uniformly inconsistent
233 ;;Quote: conjecture of perpetual inconsistency: any axiomatizations of human knowledge will always be inconsistent
234 ;;Quote: message-passing semantics: meaning of a message depends on its effect on subsequent behavior
234 ;;Quote: due-process reasoning: debate between advocates and skeptics
239 ;;Quote: logic programming lacks communication primitives and due-process reasoning; needed for open systems