ThesaHelp: references g-h
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: constructing proof and program together
Topic: requirement specification by assertion
Group: program representation
Topic: specification is infeasible
Topic: descriptive naming
Topic: program proof via assertions
Topic: automated tests of specifications and designs
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Hehner, E.C.R.,
"Predicative Programming Part 1",
Communications of the ACM, 27, 2, pp. 134-143, February 1984.
Hehner, E.C.R. et al, Predicative Methodology, Acta Informatica, vol. 23:487-505 (1986).
abstract ;;Quote: write programs as a specification in first-order predicate calculus and incrementally refine it into a program
| 134 ;;Quote: uses accents to distinguish the value of x before and after execution
| 135 ;;Quote: the weakest specification is 'true' which is achieved by every mechanism, while 'false' is achieved by none
| 135 ;;Quote: a program controls a computer's behavior, or it is a complete specification for the desired, observable behavior of a computer
| 138 ;;Quote: a well-chosen name reminds us of the purpose, or meaning, of the part being named
| 140 ;;Quote: a program P is correct for specification S if P is as determined as S and every mechanism for P is also one for S
| 141 ;;Quote: need predicate logic to reason effectively about specifications/programs for/of mechanisms
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