ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: examples of distributed systems and applications
Topic: communication protocols
Group: distributed systems
Topic: system integration
Topic: heterogeneous database
Topic: local vs. global
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Gray, J.N. ,
"An approach to decentralized computer systems ",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , SE-12 , 6 , pp. 684-692 , June 1986 .
684 ;;Quote: examples of large decentralized systems: world telephone system, world travel reservation system, electronic financial system
| 684 ;;Quote: world-wide, decentralized systems are held together by a message protocol down to the bit-level format
| 684 ;;Quote: a world-wide, decentralized system is loosely integrated by a message protocol
| 684+;;Quote: using an integrated database for a world-wide, decentralized system would be a management nightmare
| 685 ;;Quote: the main problem with a decentralized system is a lack of global, centralized knowledge; e.g., where is a file, what is the best route
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
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Topic: communication protocols (62 items)
Group: distributed systems (14 topics, 348 quotes)
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Topic: heterogeneous database (6 items)
Topic: local vs. global (29 items)