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Topic: immutable files and data
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Topic: file
Topic: file cache
Topic: alias names
Topic: version identification
Topic: version control
Topic: deletion of information
Topic: database transactions
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Gifford, D.K., Needham, R.M., Schroeder, M.D.,
"The Cedar file system",
Communications of the ACM, 31, 3, March 1988, pp. 288-298.
290 ;;Quote: in Cedar, all remote files are immutable; replaces cache consistency problem with version control
| 290 ;;Quote: with immutable files, the file is not a container of variable information
| 290+;;Quote: immutable files--the name can not be reused and its contents can't be altered
| 290 ;;Quote: with Cedar, can attach local names to remote files that are cached on disk; allows a large set of locally named files
| 290 ;;Quote: Cedar files designed for simplicity and performance; only from file servers, immutable, atomic updates, send & cache whole files
| 291 ;;Quote: Cedar version numbers are consecutive with !high being the latest and !low the earliest
| 291 ;;Quote: Cedar defines a local name for a remote file by an 'attachment' in the file directory; inexpensive
| 291 ;;Quote: all file versions in Cedar are full copies; automatically limits number of retained versions
| 291 ;;Quote: Cedar keeps two previous versions of modified source files; most files are read-only without old versions
| 292 ;;Quote: Cedar can retrieve a file with a specified creation time; searches all versions
| 295 ;;Quote: Cedar atomically adds a file to a file server (transfer, new version id, and directory update); implemented with mutual exclusion
| 295 ;;Quote: immutable files are easy to cache since no consistency requirement
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