ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: concurrency
Topic: roles
Topic: desktop metaphor for user interfaces
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Holt, A.W.,
"Concurrency and Choice",
in Final report for contract N00014-76-C-0701 titled 'Research on information specification', CADD-7708-0911, Wakefield, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Computer Associates, August 9, l977, pp. no page numbers.
Subtopic: Quote: concurrency expresses a lack of those constraints that communication produces; due to spatial separation of intercommunicating actors
Subtopic: Quote: the same file in different locations can enable different activities, e.g., on a desk and in a file drawer
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
Topic: concurrency (33 items)
Topic: roles (20 items)
Topic: desktop metaphor for user interfaces (18 items)