ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: using a world model in robotics
Topic: error checking in robot programming
Topic: undoing actions in a UserInterface
Topic: robot programming
Topic: motion planning for robots
Topic: robot sensors
Topic: coordinated robot movement
Topic: force control in robots
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Goldman, R.,
Design of an interactive Manipulator Programming Environment, Ann Arbor, Michigan, UMI Research Press, 1985.
11 ;;Quote: world models necessary for robotics; errors can have damaging consequences
| 12 ;;Quote: in debugging robots, it can be difficult or impossible to undo errors
| 13 ;;Quote: robots sensitive to initial conditions, e.g., configuration of an arm
| 14 ;;Quote: test robot program at slow speed; but motion will change at higher speed
| 15 ;;Quote: to assemble objects, the relevant features must be modeled
| 17 ;;Quote: robot motion either fast over large distance or slow and short distance
| 18 ;;Quote: motion can cause abrupt changes in manipulator configuration, e.g., right shouldered to left
| 20 ;;Quote: force manipulators for robots are limited (1985)
| 21 ;;Quote: in assembly tasks, operations can be independent, loosely coupled, or tightly coupled (e.g., two hands)
| 73 ;;Quote: force graphs useful for debugging assembly operations
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
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