
Topic: robot programming

topics > engineering > Group: robots


actor machines
asynchronous processing
coordinate frames for robot positioning
real time systems
servo programming
error checking in robot programming
motion planning for robots
program construction by walk-through
robot programming via graphical model
using robots for assembly tasks

Subtopic: robot programming up

Quote: robot programs are very different; imperfect models, potential catastrophes, irreversible actions, irreproducible actions [»giniGC4_1985]
Quote: robot control based on sensors, control signals, and world model [»lozaT7_1983]
Quote: bulk of robot programming devoted to error detection and correction because of large uncertainties; often compare actual with expected results [»lozaT7_1983]
Quote: robots sensitive to initial conditions, e.g., configuration of an arm [»goldR_1985]

Subtopic: guided programming up

Quote: curlybot is a two-wheeled toy for young children; it duplicates intricate motions with record and playback modes [»freiP4_2000]
Quote: program Papert's turtle by stepping through the program with a button box; start remembering, do it, repeat, etc. [»smitDC6_1975, OK]
Quote: Unimate robots programmed by a trainer guiding the robot through the desired steps [»smitDC6_1975, OK]
Quote: robot programming by a sequence of robot motions [»leeCS_1986]
Quote: self-teaching a welder by tracking a welding seam with a tactile ball [»caiHG9_1985]
Quote: robot assembly is not suited to programming by guiding

Subtopic: task sequence up

Quote: describe robot task as a sequence of configurations: relationships between features [»leeCS_1986]
Quote: describe robot task as a sequence of symbolic operations on objects [»leeCS_1986]

Subtopic: programming goals up

Quote: object oriented robot programming as goals and subgoals to be achieved [»leeCS_1986]

Subtopic: event programming up

Quote: program mobile robots in unstructured environment by independent reactions to events [»brooRA_1987]
Quote: define a robot event by effects, initiation and continuation conditions; system, not robot model, is responsible for event invocation and duration [»saltRM_1980]

Subtopic: level architecture up

Quote: subsumption architecture for intelligent robots: fixed-topology layers of finite state machines; higher layers can replace or inhibit messages of lower layers [»brooRA1_1991]
Quote: lowest robot level avoids objects, next layer makes robot wander about, third level encourages exploration [»brooRA1_1991]

Subtopic: examples up

Quote: curlybot draws with a pen mounted on the outside; surprising patterns from extended object; graphical turtles are point-like [»freiP4_2000]
Quote: AUTOPASS compiles one step at a time; steps may be changed during compilation [»liebLI7_1977]

Subtopic: testing up

Quote: test robot program at slow speed; but motion will change at higher speed

Related Topics up

Group: programming   (339 topics, 10149 quotes)

Topic: actor machines (2 items)
Topic: asynchronous processing (30 items)
Topic: coordinate frames for robot positioning (6 items)
Topic: real time systems (14 items)
Topic: servo programming (6 items)
Topic: error checking in robot programming (6 items)
Topic: motion planning for robots (15 items)
Topic: program construction by walk-through (26 items)
Topic: robot programming via graphical model (4 items)
Topic: using robots for assembly tasks
(3 items)

Updated barberCB 1/05
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