ThesaHelp: references g-h
Group: grammar
Topic: data-driven design
Topic: semantic grammar
Topic: data flow languages
Topic: words defined by words
Topic: translation of data
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Hehner, E.C.R., Silverberg, B.A.,
"Programming with grammars: an exercise in methodology-directed language design ",
Computer Journal, 26, 3, 1983, pp. 277-281.
278+ ;;Quote: a grammar specifies a set of strings and a structure; different grammars can specify the same set of strings with different structures
| 278+ ;;Quote: Jackson describes a problem by its grammar which becomes a model for its solution as a program
| 278 ;;Quote: Jackson specifies a program as an LL(1) parser for a problem's grammar; allows optional backtracking
| 279 ;;Quote: program by writing a grammar and embedding processing within the grammar
| 279 ;;Quote: program as an acyclic communication graph of grammars; output of one grammar is the input of another
| 280 ;;Quote: for any two data structures there is a largest common substructure, at worse, the bit; useful for communication
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
Group: grammar (8 topics, 180 quotes)
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