ThesaHelp: references g-h
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Topic: problem of information overload
Topic: problem of classifying information
Topic: information retrieval by relevance
Topic: information filters
Topic: semistructured messages for automated processing
Topic: people better than computers
Topic: restricted electronic mail
Topic: discussion groups, mail conversations, and teleconferencing
Topic: electronic news and blogs
Topic: broadcasting information
Topic: attachments to electronic mail
Topic: electronic meetings
Topic: responses to electronic mail
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Hiltz, S.R., Turoff, M.,
"Structuring computer-mediated communication systems to avoid information overload",
Communications of the ACM, 28, 7, July 1985, pp. 680-689.
QuoteRef: hiltSR7_1985 ;;based on Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES), acomputerized conferencing system operated by the New Jersey Institute ofTechnology.
| 680 ;;Quote: information overload from simultaneous, electronic discussions, conferences and conversations
| 682 ;;Quote: need a structure to distinguish useful for unuseful messages
| 682 ;;Quote: information overload occurs primarily with new users
| 682 ;;Quote: new users try to read everything
| 683 ;;Quote: no automated routine can distinguish useless from relevant communications; especially when a user's tasks and interests change
| 684 ;;Quote: major impact of e-mail is increase stock of ideas; restricted mail would limit this
| 685 ;;Quote: electronic conferencing increases order and reduces regular mail to transitory things and short announcements
| 686 ;;Quote: one EIES group defined three lines as the maximum length of a broadcasted message; recipients could access additional material
| 687 ;;Quote: EIES provides nine different Delphi-like voting scales; efficient discovery of consensus
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