
Topic: discussion groups, mail conversations, and teleconferencing

topics > computer science > Group: electronic mail

broadcasting information
commitment as a system
electronic meetings
electronic news and blogs
information services
group names
responses to electronic mail
using hypertext for cooperative work


A discussion group, blog, threaded mail, or mail conversation is a sequence of related messages. The sequence is ordered by time. It may be indicated by a naming convention such as 'Re:...'.

A wiki is a publicly-edited collection of documents. Each page maintains its history of changes.

Users are more likely to read messages if they are already displayed. For example KMS users create a discussion frame whenever a message generates multiple responses. KMS discussions include annotations.

In practice, verbal communications may be far more important than email conversations. (cbb 4/98)

Subtopic: teleconferencing up

Quote: electronic conferencing increases order and reduces regular mail to transitory things and short announcements [»hiltSR7_1985]
Quote: COM is a computer-assisted teleconferencing system
Quote: in a conference, there may be several different threads of discussion [»comeDE11_1986]

Subtopic: electronic mail up

Quote: with electronic mail can discuss a topic with varying breadth, number of users, and duration [»comeDE11_1986]
Quote: electronic mail should group related messages together in conversations [»comeDE11_1986]
Quote: conversation-based mail includes memo, conference, and magazine models of mail [»comeDE11_1986, OK]
Quote: USENET has a 'reference' header for grouping messages into conversations [»hortMR10_1986]
Quote: DRAGONMAIL supports conversations; tend to be more focused and shorter than conferences [»comeDE11_1986]
Quote: start an email conversation by defining participants and writing a title [»comeDE11_1986]
Quote: in browsing mail, 're' only used 6% of time; conversations may not be important [»kentJ8_1988]

Subtopic: discussion forums up

Quote: email conversations grouped into categories explicitly, by content, or by recency [»comeDE11_1986]
Quote: InformationLens includes a hierarchical topic network for grouping messages [»maloTW4_1987]

Subtopic: wiki up

Quote: KMS users grow a conversation rather than use electronic mail or bulletin boards [»akscRM7_1988a]
Quote: KMS users have a mail box frame; messages created or appended to existing messages [»akscRM7_1988a]
Quote: ease of commenting encourages KMS users to comment, move comments, and comment on comments [»akscRM7_1988a]
Quote: discussion frame started if several messages appended together [»akscRM7_1988a]
Quote: KMS discussion frame if related comments; provides context for holding a conversation [»akscRM7_1988a]

Subtopic: threaded conversation up

Quote: messages in a conversation preserves a partial ordering by what messages a user saw previously [»comeDE11_1986]
Quote: partial ordering of messages in a conversation useful for late replies which used an old context [»comeDE11_1986]

Subtopic: archived and hidden messages up

Quote: messages in a conversation are visible until hidden by the user [»comeDE11_1986]
Quote: determining when to hide a message in a conversation requires careful administration [»comeDE11_1986]
Quote: should be able to access old messages from a conversation [»comeDE11_1986]

Subtopic: blog, e-diary up

Quote: used e-diary for brief, problem-solving dialogues within and between shifts; conversational exchange [»robiM1_2000]
Quote: e-diary entries are more laid back than talking-out-loud; not used for tight, live coordination
Quote: talking-out-loud (overhearing) helps colleagues orient their actions to a wider context; specific responses are not called for [»robiM1_2000]

Subtopic: meme tags up

Quote: share ideas and opinions by wearing meme tags; use public video displays to visualize the community dynamics [»boroR11_1998]
Quote: while people enthusiastic about meme tags, they seldom knew what memes they owned; no memes reached a mass audience [»boroR11_1998]

Subtopic: problems with e-mail up

Quote: email may be an inappropriate foundation for computer-supported cooperative work

Subtopic: problem with silence up

Quote: in a non-verbal conversation need confirmation that the conversation has not stopped when silence occurs [»florCF_1980]

Related Topics up

Topic: authentication (93 items)
Topic: broadcasting information (18 items)
Topic: commitment as a system (22 items)
Topic: electronic meetings (24 items)
Topic: electronic news and blogs (25 items)
Topic: information services (17 items)
Topic: group names (16 items)
Topic: responses to electronic mail (11 items)
Topic: using hypertext for cooperative work
(9 items)

Updated barberCB 5/04
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