ThesaHelp: references e-f
Topic: commitment as a system
Topic: organizations as systems
Topic: discussion groups, mail conversations, and teleconferencing
Topic: commitment
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Flores, C.F., Ludlow, J.J. ,
"Doing and speaking in the office", in Fick, kG., Sprague, R.H. Jr. (ed.),
Decision support systems: Issues and challenges, Oxford, Pergamon Press, pp. 95-118, 1980.
95 ;;Quote: analyze communication via commitments made in conversations instead of information transfers and decisions
| 101 ;;Quote: systematize an organization by dealing with recurrent patterns of break-downs; a new way of speaking, a reorganization of understanding
| 102 ;;Quote: organizations exist as networks of directives and commissives with a division of labor to cope with break-downs
| 109 ;;Quote: in a non-verbal conversation need confirmation that the conversation has not stopped when silence occurs
| 113 ;;Quote: a system should reveal the structure of commitments in a conversation
| 113+;;Quote: commitments arise in human interaction; they are not written down
| 117 ;;Quote: we need face-to-face or oral conversations to remain human beings endowed with moods and a broad understanding
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ThesaHelp: references e-f (168 items)
Topic: commitment as a system (22 items)
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