Topic: syntax analysis
Topic: primitive functions
Group: grammar
Topic: BNF grammar
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Gries, D.,
Compiler construction for digital computers, New York, John Wiley, 1971.
QuoteRef: grieD_1971 ;;18 grammar is a set of rules using non-terminals and terminals where each non-terminal is defined in terms of non-terminals and terminals
| QuoteRef: grieD_1971 ;;20 a language is a set of sentences which are sentential forms of only terminal symbols which are derivable from the grammar
| QuoteRef: grieD_1971 ;;25 operator grammar no rule of form U::=...VW... V,W are non- terminals
| QuoteRef: grieD_1971 ;;23 syntax trees show the structure of a sentence i.e., how formed of non-terminals.
| QuoteRef: grieD_1971 ;;26 unambiguous grammars if all sentences have only one syntax tree
| QuoteRef: grieD_1971 ;;43 braces for 0 or more occurrences with sub/super scripts for range
| QuoteRef: grieD_1971 ;;44 brackets for optional occurrence
| QuoteRef: grieD_1971 ;;46 types are phrase structured, context sensitive, context free, regular
| QuoteRef: grieD_1971 ;;46 grammars have a distinguished symbol from which language is produced
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)