ThesaHelp: references g-h
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: examples of manual hypertext systems
Topic: sense perception
Topic: ease of use
Topic: hierarchical structures in hypertext
Topic: cross reference and hierarchical links in hypertext
Topic: browsing with a user interface
Topic: information retrieval with an index
Topic: hypertext nodes made of names
Topic: descriptive naming
Topic: hypertext links
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Glushko, R.J.,
"Transforming text into hypertext for a compact disc encyclopedia", pp. 293-298,
Proceedings of CHI'89, New York, New York, ACM, May 1989.
293 ;;Quote: the Compendium is a manual Hypertext of reference data on human perception and performance; 3000 pages text and 2000 figures, tables, illustrations
| 294 ;;Quote: Compendium entries are hierarchically categorized with both explicit and implicit cross-references
| 295 ;;Quote: hierarchical browsing is progressive display of detail; e.g., table of contents
| 295 ;;Quote: Compendium supports boolean search of any part of an entry
| 295+;;Quote: to increase precision, default search scope is limited to title, key terms, general description, application, and captions
| 297 ;;Quote: in Compendium, reference entries by their descriptive titles
| 297 ;;Quote: Hypertext links should follow from a model of the user's need for information to perform a task
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