ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: debugging by reading code
Group: debugging
Topic: descriptive naming
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Gould, J.D.,
"Some psychological evidence on how people debug computer programs", Yorktown Heights, New York, IBM Watson Research Center, RC 4542, September 1973.
Other Reference
Stanford Computer Library #5026
10 ;;Quote: when people debug other people's programs, they usually study the listings instead of using an interactive system
| 15 ;;Quote: subjects often first looked for a violation of grammatical conventions, e.g., a DO loop out of range; doesn't require understanding
| 20 ;;Quote: general debugging strategy: select a debugging tactic, find a clue, and develop a hypothesis
| 20 ;;Quote: subjects initially avoided difficult sections when debugging programs
| 21 ;;Quote: meaningful names important for debugging and when reading someone else's program
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
Topic: debugging by reading code (11 items)
Group: debugging (10 topics, 325 quotes)
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