ThesaHelp: references g-h
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: hypertext links
Topic: descriptive naming
Topic: hypertext nodes
Topic: icons for a user interface
Topic: attachment of hypertext links
Topic: display of hypertext links
Topic: hypertext browser
Topic: hypertext nodes made of names
Topic: information retrieval by following links
Topic: searching hypertext
Topic: personal information
Topic: hypertext as external memory
Topic: problems with fragmentation in hypertext
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Halasz, F.G., Moran, T.P., Trigg, R.H.,
"NoteCards in a nutshell",
Conference Proceedings. Human factors in computing systems and graphics interface , ACM SIGCHI, April 1987, pp. 45-52.
46 ;;Quote: NoteCards forms a semantic network of notecards connected by typed links
| 46+ ;;Quote: each NoteCards card contains a title and arbitrary digital information
| 47 ;;Quote: NoteCards link is a typed, directional connection from icon in source to destination card
| 47+ ;;Quote: NoteCards links for building networks of related cards
| 47 ;;Quote: Hypertext link icons can display the type or title of the destination or link
| 47 ;;Quote: a NoteCards browser contains a diagram of a network of notecards with titles
| 48 ;;Quote: each note in NoteCards in at least one filecard
| 48 ;;Quote: navigation is the primary means for accessing information in NoteCards
| 48 ;;Quote: NoteCards has a limited search facility to locate cards matching a specification
| 48 ;;Quote: most common use of NoteCards is as a personal information system
| 51 ;;Quote: many users find NoteCards difficult to use for developing ideas because it's difficult to segment ideas into notecards
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ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l (241 items)
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Topic: display of hypertext links (15 items)
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Topic: searching hypertext (17 items)
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Topic: problems with fragmentation in hypertext (13 items)