
QuoteRef: hobbT_1651

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Hobbes, T., Leviathan, or the matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill, London, Andrew Crooke, 1651. Google

Other Reference

Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan, Tuck, R. (ed), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996

Published before 1923

9 ;;Quote: all Automata (e.g., a watch) have an artificial life; what are nerves but so many strings
9+;;Quote: the Leviathan (i.e., the state) is but an artificial man with a soveraign as the soul and reward and punishment as the nerves
15 ;;Quote: bodies at rest stay at rest; bodies in motion stay in motion; nothing can change itself
15+;;Quote: men measure all things by themselves; e.g., since we grow weary of motion, all things seek respose of its own accord
15 ;;Quote: a body in motion stays in motion; can not stop in an instant; e.g., waves on the water
[Chap. 5] ;;Quote: reason is nothing but adding and subtracting the consequences of general names; marking when we think, and signifying when we communicate
35 ;;Quote: science is the knowledge of the consequences of names; the dependance of one fact upon another; the ability to make things happen
88 ;;Quote: war is the disposition to fighting; no industry, no culture, no navigation, no knowledge, no arts, no letters, no society
88+;;Quote: war is continual fear; life is solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short
89 ;;Quote: if doubt that war is natural, consider that you lock your door or chest despite officers and laws
89+;;Quote: law requires an agreement regarding who makes the law
91 ;;Quote: the condition of man is a condition of war, hence seek peace and defend ourselves
100 ;;Quote: men must perform their convenants made, enforced by a coercive power
107 ;;Quote: for peace, a person cannot reserve any right that is not reserved for everyone
108 ;;Quote: equity is the equal distribution of justice to every person; the alternative is war
114 ;;Quote: if men form a commonweath, the representative or leviathan speaks as one for all of them
114+;;Quote: if the leviathan is an assembly, the voice of the majority is the voice of them all
117 ;;Quote: men form commonwealths to avoid war, enforce convenants, and secure justice, equity, modesty, and mercy
117+;;Quote: covenants, without the sword, are but words, and of no strength to secure a man at all
120 ;;Quote: a commonweath arises from the convenant of everyone with everyone to give up their rights to a leviathan in return for peace and defense
120+;;Quote: a leviathan is one person or one assembly with judgment over all, uniting the multitude
121 ;;Quote: people form commonwealthes to live peaceably amongst themselves and protection against others
121+;;Quote: people institute a commonwealth by covenant of all; source of the rights and powers of the leader or assembly of leaders
122 ;;Quote: the soveraigne has absolute power; subjects can not form new covenants nor be freed of subjection
122+;;Quote: dissenters in a commonwealth must consent with the rest; they tacitly covenanted by joining the congregation of those assembled
129 ;;Quote: tyranny, oligarchy, and anarchy are but misliked forms of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy
208 ;;Quote: under threat of death, one may act against the law; the preservation of life is a law of nature
210 ;;Quote: crimes of passion are not so great as premeditated crime, but no suddenness of passion is a total excuse; must cast your eye on the law
213 ;;Quote: a crime is greater if against one's parents, a poor person, or in a place of devotion
214 ;;Quote: the power of the soveraign arises from everyone's right to preserve life by all means; subjects gave up these rights to form the commonwealth
214 ;;Quote: punishment must proceed from public authority; not private revenge, nor injury to private people
215 ;;Quote: evil inflicted by public authority without public condemnation under the law is an hostile act
215 ;;Quote: punishment should encourage the delinquent and other men to obey the laws
216 ;;Quote: in declared hostility against an enemy, all infliction of evil is lawful
216 ;;Quote: treason makes one an enemy of the commonwealth; all infliction of evil is lawful; punishment does not apply
218 ;;Quote: imprisonment for safe custody or to inflict pain; use minimal restraint for safe custody
218+;;Quote: no one should be punished before judicially heard and declared guilty
219 ;;Quote: punishment of innocents is unlawful; no future good, no protection, rendering evil for good, unequal justice
219+;;Quote: everyone, in their revenges, should look for some future good
223 ;;Quote: the law is the public conscience; people should not subvert the law to their private conscience and opinions
224 ;;Quote: the soveraign makes the laws, and hence is not subject to the law; otherwise have an infinite regress of authority
225 ;;Quote: the soveraign power may not be divided, otherwise the commonwealth is dissolved
230 ;;Quote: a commonwealth is dissolved when defeated in war; everyone is at liberty to protect themselves
230+;;Quote: the soveraign is the public soul, giving life and motion to the commonwealth
233 ;;Quote: the people should love their government as it is; prosperity comes from obedience and concord; reformers destroy the commonwealth
237 ;;Quote: the safety of the people requires that justice be equally administered to all; a soveraign is as much subject as the least of the people
484 ;;Quote: in war, every man is bound by nature to protect the authority by which he is protected in peace

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