Topic: physics
Topic: Newtonian physics
Topic: history of science
Topic: models of reality
Topic: skepticism about knowledge
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That when a thing lies still, unlesse somewhat els stirre it, it will lye still for ever, is a truth that no man doubts of. But that when a thing is in motion, it will eternally be in motion, unless somewhat els stay it, though the reason be the same, (namely, that nothing can change it selfe,) is not so easily assented to. For men measure, not onely other men, but all other things, by themselves; and because they find themselves subject after motion to pain, and lassitude, think every thing els growes weary of motion, and seeks repose of its own accord
Published before 1923
Additional Titles
Quote: men measure all things by themselves; e.g., since we grow weary of motion, all things seek respose of its own accord
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