ThesaHelp: references g-h
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: safe use of pointers
Topic: code optimization by flow analysis
Topic: dependency analysis
Group: software maintenance
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Heintze, N., Tardieu, O.,
"Ultra-fast aliasing analysis using CLA: A million lines of C code in a second",
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN '01 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), Snowbird Utah, ACM SIGPLAN, June 2001, pp. 254-263.
abstract ;;Quote: field-based Andersen-style points-to analysis of a million lines of code in under a second
| abstract+;;Quote: points-to analysis with a database, on-the-fly transitive closure, caching of reachability computations, and cycle elimination
| abstract ;;Quote: used points-to analysis for type consistency; given a type change, determine all other objects whose type needs to change
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l (241 items)
Topic: safe use of pointers (102 items)
Topic: code optimization by flow analysis (45 items)
Topic: dependency analysis (31 items)
Group: software maintenance (14 topics, 355 quotes)