Topic: handling complexity
Topic: language flexibility
ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: testing by program mutation
Topic: no need for efficiency
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Gilb, T.,
Software Metrics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Winthrop, 1977.
QuoteRef: gilbT_1977 ;;28 bebugging-- automated insertion of known bugs in order to determine bug density and to test debugging techniques. presumably if 50% of bebugged bugs found than still 50% of real bugs around.
| QuoteRef: gilbT_1977 ;;32 can measure bugs by artificially inserting a number of bugs and seeing how many of those bugs are found -- this should indicate total # of bugs
| 87 ;;Quote: dual code--one version (e.g., APL) for testing and documentation and another for production (e.g., FORTRAN)
| QuoteRef: gilbT_1977 ;;164 "flexibility is useful complexity
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