Topic: index sequence for array access
Topic: Goldstine and von Neumann consistency proof
Topic: binding names to variables or expressions
ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: flow diagrams and flow charts
Group: program design
Topic: machine code and assembly language
Topic: global declarations and variables
Topic: local declaration of data
Topic: constructing proof and program together
Topic: primitive data types for Thesa
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Goldstine, H.H., von Neumann, J.,
"Planning and coding of problems for an electronic computing instrument, Report on the mathematical and logical aspects of a electronic computing instrument", Princeton, New Jersey, The Institute of Advanced Study, 1-3, 1947-1948.
Other Reference
Taub, A.H., von Neumann's Collected Works, vol. 5, p. 80-235, London: Pergamon Press 1963
copied some pages
84 ;;Quote: before writing code, it is good to plan the process, its successive stages, and the corresponding relationships
| QuoteRef: goldHH_1948 ;;87 flow diagrams with alternative box, two paths may merge, operation boxes variable boxes, remote connects (indexed gotos)
| 91 ;;Quote: a program includes global, local, and induction variables; only local and induction (the bound variables) may use shared storage;
| QuoteRef: goldHH_1948 ;;91 constancy intervals between transition points "where changes of the content of any variable storage or of the value or domain of variability of any bound variables take place"
| QuoteRef: goldHH_1948 ;;92 substitution boxes for changing bound induction variables (eg setting i to i+1
| QuoteRef: goldHH_1948 ;;92 assertion boxes for constraining bound variables (eg i is N at the end of a loop)
| QuoteRef: goldHH_1948 ;;94 the results of an operation are given a name and places in a storage location
| QuoteRef: goldHH_1948 ;;94 storage table of location values-- must be same over constancy interval
| 99 ;;Quote: in von Neumann's flow diagrams, storage only changes across operations; otherwise just consistent substitutions, assertions, and alternatives
| 101 ;;Quote: once a flow diagram is constructed, machine coding can be done independently for each operation box
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Group: program design (13 topics, 453 quotes)
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Topic: global declarations and variables (33 items)
Topic: local declaration of data (11 items)
Topic: constructing proof and program together (22 items)
Topic: primitive data types for Thesa (82 items)