ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: monitored statements and events
Topic: monitored variable
Topic: event controlled processing
Topic: debugging techniques
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Hanson, D.R.,
"Event associations in Snobol4 for program debugging",
Software--Practice & Experience, 8, 2, pp. 115-130, March-April 1978.
115 ;;Quote: associated variables are especially applicable to program debugging
| 116 ;;Quote: event associations cause function execution at events such as variable reference, statement execution
| QuoteRef: hansDR3_1978 ;;117 Event associations made with CONNECT function applies to event-name, event-type, procedure-name , procedure-active?, and level
| 121 ;;Quote: use event associations to take the place of debugging statements that are needed for defensive programming
| 125 ;;Quote: in Snobol4, the value of an associated variable is replaced by a trapping block containing the real value, process description, etc.
| QuoteRef: hansDR3_1978 ;;125 "Statement execution associations are made by modifying the compiled code for the affected statement.
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
Topic: monitored statements and events (16 items)
Topic: monitored variable (27 items)
Topic: event controlled processing (46 items)
Topic: debugging techniques (23 items)