ThesaHelp: references g-h
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: extensible languages
Topic: general purpose computer systems
Topic: named constants and expressions
Topic: programming with a database of modules
Topic: function library
Topic: limitations of hierarchical structures
Topic: localized understanding
Topic: natural language as action or problem solving
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Holt, A.W.,
"General purpose programming systems",
Communications of the ACM, 1, 5, pp. 7-9, May 1958.
Generalized Programming marketed as Fleximatic
8 ;;Quote: Fleximatic provides a set of services for any problem instead of special features for an area of computation
| 8 ;;Quote: define special purpose instructions in addition to elementary computer instructions
| 8+;;Quote: produce special purpose instructions by using mnemonic abbreviations for computations of some given type
| 9 ;;Quote: a general purpose compiler can translate special notations by combining packages of library information; e.g., expressions and function calls
| 9 ;;Quote: most compilers are designed for a special range of problems; better to have ability to add arbitrary, new notations
| 9 ;;Quote: can not subdivide universe of problems into fixed areas, each with its own special notation
| 9+;;Quote: need arbitrary, new notations since no set of special notations is suitable for all problems
| 9 ;;Quote: construct a general purpose compiler that provides naming aids and the ability to add new notations
| 9 ;;Quote: creating new notations for programming is practical only if it is easy to add the necessary library packages
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l (241 items)
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Topic: general purpose computer systems (9 items)
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Topic: programming with a database of modules (94 items)
Topic: function library (50 items)
Topic: limitations of hierarchical structures (10 items)
Topic: localized understanding (43 items)
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