ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: information hiding
Topic: import/export lists for defining an interface
Topic: interface between program modules
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DeRemer, F.L., Kron, H.,
"Programming-in-the-small versus programming-in-the-large",
International Conference on Reliable Software,
SIGPLAN, 10, 6, June 1975.
117 ;;Quote: MIL uses names of resources to convey or restrict access information between modules
| 118 ;;Quote: MIL defines a system tree of modules with provided and required resources at each node
| 144 ;;Quote: module specification languages should be different from module interconnection languages
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references c-d (337 items)
Topic: information hiding (50 items)
Topic: import/export lists for defining an interface (20 items)
Topic: interface between program modules (55 items)