Topic: Cleanroom software development
Topic: examples of programming environments
Topic: extreme programming
Topic: management of large software projects
Topic: quality assurance
Topic: software lifecycle
Topic: programmer productivity
Topic: personal software process (PSP)
Topic: programming environment
Topic: programming style
Topic: programming system
Topic: public domain software
Topic: software management
Topic: software metrics
Topic: software models of reality
Topic: software science
Topic: software tools
Topic: team programming
Group: engineering
Group: program design
Group: requirement specification
Group: software maintenance
Group: testing
Topic: incremental development
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Topic: programmers
Topic: software review
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Subtopic: software engineering
Quote: software engineering is the multi-person construction of multi-version programs [»parnDL_1978]
| Quote: multi-version programs should be easily modified, have useful subsets, and easily extended [»parnDL_1978]
| Quote: programming consists of analysis and coding; these steps are not enough for large software systems [»roycWW8_1970]
| Subtopic: programmer as engineer
Quote: a software engineer creates models of physical situations in software [»fairRE_1985]
| Quote: writing programs is engineering; the engineer's job is to master the limitations of the tools available [»rabiH8_1984]
| Quote: programmers should be required to use engineering practices that prevent latent execution failures [»cobbRH11_1990]
| Quote: should certify software engineers for safety-critical software [»leveNG7_1993]
| QuoteRef: myerW2_1978 ;;excellent review of the need for software engineering and attempts at solution. Full bibliography
| Subtopic: boot camp -- what is hard
Quote: use a boot camp to teach software engineering: design, schedule, requirements, iteration. interfaces, integration [»dawsR11_1997]
| Quote: software is not soft; to change a system's behavior requires major reprogramming [»fishG7_1987]
| Quote: basic functions form a small fraction of a software system; most is spent in the user interface, error handling, etc.; easily prioritized [»millHD_1979]
| Subtopic: engineering teams
Quote: Cleanroom engineering uses teams for specification, development, and certification [»cobbRH11_1990]
| Quote: Cleanroom's certification team adds an increment to previous increments and measures its MTTF with random test cases [»cobbRH11_1990]
| Subtopic: contractual vs. product
Quote: most requirements techniques incorrectly view software development as a contract; software is now a commodity [»pottC9_1993]
| Subtopic: craft vs. engineering
Quote: software engineering will remain a craft until able to develop building-block software [»fairRE_1985]
| Subtopic: software standard practice
Quote: the vanilla framework for programming is separating data from control, structured programs, data types, and data structures [»hareD1_1992]
| Quote: the werewolves of one-person programs have been conquered by the vanilla framework
| Quote: design hierarchically with repetitive and alternative structures; clear organization, economical, easier debugging and maintenance [»warnJD_1974]
| Subtopic: inspections
Quote: via functional verification inspections, the IBM Wheelwriter had no software errors after 6 years; 63 Kloc of code on three processors
| Subtopic: variability
Quote: bound the variabilities to minimize production costs and automate software generation [»coplJ11_1998]
| Subtopic: limitations of programming methods
Quote: while programming methods help with accidental difficulties, they are only slightly better for essence-borne difficulties; some part of the method becomes painful, distasteful, and difficult [»berrDM10_2002]
Group: software engineering
Topic: Cleanroom software development (38 items)
Topic: examples of programming environments (17 items)
Topic: extreme programming (6 items)
Topic: management of large software projects (63 items)
Topic: quality assurance (22 items)
Topic: software lifecycle (13 items)
Topic: programmer productivity (57 items)
Topic: personal software process (PSP) (2 items)
Topic: programming environment (46 items)
Topic: programming style (47 items)
Topic: programming system (9 items)
Topic: public domain software (9 items)
Topic: software management (28 items)
Topic: software metrics (32 items)
Topic: software models of reality (24 items)
Topic: software science (9 items)
Topic: software tools (20 items)
Topic: team programming (7 items)
Related Topics
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Group: testing (18 topics, 557 quotes)
Topic: incremental development (74 items)
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Topic: programmers (15 items)
Topic: software review (80 items)