ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: families of programs
Topic: efficiency
Group: program design
Topic: programmer productivity
Group: software engineering
Topic: management of large software projects
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Coplien, J., Hoffman, D., Weiss, D.,
"Commonality and variability in software engineering",
IEEE Software, November/December 1998, pp. 37-45.
37 ;;Quote: analyze a product family (FAST) via scope, commonality, and variability (SCV); reduced development time 3-5x
| 38 ;;Quote: commonality and variability analysis (SCV) of what does not change and what changes over what time frame
| 38+;;Quote: if know a value is fixed, can produce more efficient software in time and space
| 40 ;;Quote: SCV analysis -- establish Scope of the objects, exploit Commonalities; bound and accommodate Variability's
| 44 ;;Quote: bound the variabilities to minimize production costs and automate software generation
| 45 ;;Quote: a successful product leads to many versions; SCV analysis helps to manage the success
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