ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: hierarchical structures
Topic: data-driven design
Topic: top-down vs. bottom-up design
Group: software engineering
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Warnier, J.-D.,
Logical Construction of Programs, Leiden, H.E. Stenfert Kroese B.V., 1974.
Other Reference
translated by B.M. Flanagan
25 ;;Quote: determine the hierarchical structure of a program from the input data
| 30 ;;Quote: subdivide an input data set when sub-sets are repeated; write down the input order
| 82 ;;Quote: design hierarchically with repetitive and alternative structures; clear organization, economical, easier debugging and maintenance
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Topic: hierarchical structures (43 items)
Topic: data-driven design (41 items)
Topic: top-down vs. bottom-up design (30 items)
Group: software engineering (18 topics, 463 quotes)