Topic: specification is infeasible
ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: structured flow diagram
Topic: pseudocode design
Topic: requirement specification by diagrams
Topic: software review
Topic: quality assurance
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Kraly, T.M., Naughton, J.J., Smith, R.L., Tinanoff, N.,
"Program design study",
Structured Programming Series, VIII, U.S. Army CSC, U.S. Air Force RADC, May 30, 1975.
Other Reference
QuoteRef: kralTM5_1975 ;;4-1 program design languages (PDL) free form english with a few control structures and indenting
| QuoteRef: kralTM5_1975 ;;5-1 "Pseudo code a program design lang. becomes quickly outdated due to a lack of conscientious updating"
| QuoteRef: kralTM5_1975 ;;5-4 Pidgin is a program design language; uses a formal syntax like PL/1
| QuoteRef: kralTM5_1975 ;;6-2 HIPO consists of visual table of contents hierarchically arranged with overview diagrams and detail diagrams
| QuoteRef: kralTM5_1975 ;;6-5 HIPO diagrams consist of input, process and output requirements
| QuoteRef: kralTM5_1975 ;;6-5 HIPO control top to bottom of process chart with calls, loops, conditionals (embedded blocks and exiting arrows)
| QuoteRef: kralTM5_1975 ;;6-5 "HIPO is a tool which stresses function (i.e. what a program does) versus how it performs the functions"
| QuoteRef: kralTM5_1975 ;;6-10 problem with HIPO is "time consuming to produce and modify"
| 6-15 ;;Quote: program reviews improve quality, educate new programmers, provide overall view, and assist management review
| QuoteRef: kralTM5_1975 ;;7-2 recommended program design language -- sequence english statements with if, do while, do until, do case, and include
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