ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: public domain software
Group: testing
Topic: software review
Topic: management of large software projects
Topic: version control
Topic: software change management
Topic: programmer productivity
Topic: bug tracking system
Topic: operating system kernel
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Mockus, A., Fielding, R.T., Herbsleb, J.D.,
"Two case studies of open source software development: Apache and Mozilla",
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 11, 3, July 2002.
317 ;;Quote: Apache Group consists of volunteers with real jobs; vote on major changes; commit code changes anywhere within the Apache HTTP server
| 319 ;;Quote: Apache developers do not use QA testing; review code before or after checkin; most core developers review all changes
| 319 ;;Quote: release manager for each Apache release; identify critical problems, tracks repairs; controls access to the repository
| 320 ;;Quote: 15% of Apache bug reports resulted in a change; higher ratio for Mozilla
| 321 ;;Quote: while top 1% of developers contributed 90% of added lines, only 3 core developers in top 15 problem reporters; system testing by Apache users
| 325 ;;Quote: many developers per program file; of actively developed Apache files, half had at least 4 developers making more than 10% of changes
| 327 ;;Quote: half of Apache bugs are resolved within a day; much faster close times for high-priority problems; Mozilla much slower
| 342 ;;Quote: Apache has a small core server, a well-defined interface, and various ancillary projects; informal coordination for core team; highly efficient
| 343 ;;Quote: for Apache, open source community used for bug fixing; no coordination needed to identify cause of a bug
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