Topic: bugs
Topic: automated tests of specifications and designs
Topic: design errors
Topic: good requirement specifications
Topic: importance of information hiding for requirement specification
Topic: quality assurance
Topic: software review
Topic: specification is infeasible
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Subtopic: failure as disproof, advance
Quote: engineering failures are disproofs of design hypotheses [»abraP12_1986]
| Quote: only through failure can engineers advance the state of the art; success alone gives insufficient information [»abraP12_1986]
| Subtopic: wrong problem
Quote: a program can be wrong only because the customer wanted a different function to be calculated [»scowRS3_1982b]
| Quote: a software error is unintended phenomenon in either the specification or program [»hamiM_1978]
| Subtopic: specification error
Quote: uncaught errors in executable specification languages are just as disastrous as in traditional programming [»abboRJ3_1990]
| Quote: infrequent errors due to incorrect requirements, and misunderstanding of specifications, interfaces and tools [»weisDM2_1985]
| Quote: neither structured programming nor proofs of correctness attempt to check the specification itself [»bateD_1976]
| Quote: proof may show that a program matches its specifications, but does not tell if the specifications are correct [»gammRC10_1974]
| Subtopic: wrong solution
Quote: persistent errors discovered after release typically due to the program not matching the problem; e.g., missing conditions [»glasRL3_1981]
| Subtopic: remorse
Quote: remorse in a specification is adding to the description of a feature outside of its definition [»meyeB1_1985]
Related Topics
Topic: bugs (66 items)
Topic: automated tests of specifications and designs (12 items)
Topic: design errors (15 items)
Topic: good requirement specifications (36 items)
Topic: importance of information hiding for requirement specification (23 items)
Topic: quality assurance (22 items)
Topic: software review (80 items)
Topic: specification is infeasible (46 items)