44 ;;Quote: high-level languages free programs from their accidental complexity but not their essential complexity
45 ;;Quote: uncaught errors in executable specification languages are just as disastrous as in traditional programming
45 ;;Quote: a formal specification also requires user feedback from an implementation
45 ;;Quote: specification without implementation is not possible because can't formalize requirements without user feedback from an implementation
53 ;;Quote: a software error is a combination of illegal actions, incorrect paths, and wrong results
54 ;;Quote: layered systems should prevent errors from spreading to other layers
55 ;;Quote: system components should be self-protective and self-checking to prevent error propagation
56 ;;Quote: a self-protective component can check for error conditions before execution or asynchronously
56 ;;Quote: self-checking hardware either gives a correct answer or it signals failure
57+ ;;Quote: fault containment is the reduction and elimination of error propagation
57 ;;Quote: a self-checking component can propagate some errors if its clients can catch the error
58 ;;Quote: a resourceful system achieves its goals despite failures of standard methods
58+ ;;Quote: a functionally rich system is not orthogonal; there are multiple ways to achieve a result
58 ;;Quote: a resourceful system has functional richness, testable goals, and some planning abilities
59 ;;Quote: many existing systems are functionally rich, especially life threatening ones such as airplanes
60 ;;Quote: an altitude control system can use any three of four reaction wheels to maintain a satellite's orientation
61 ;;Quote: a resourceful system can combine basic functions into programs or plans
61 ;;Quote: a resourceful system will automatically create programs to deal with contingencies