Topic: experimental results on programming
ThesaHelp: references t-z
Group: debugging
Topic: sensitivity of software to change
Topic: incremental development
Topic: design errors
Topic: specification errors
Topic: programmer productivity
Topic: debugging by reading code
Topic: information retrieval by cross reference
Topic: debugging techniques
Topic: program proving is infeasible
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Weiss, D.M. , Basili, V.R. ,
"Evaluating software development by analysis of changes: Some data from the Software Engineering Laboratory",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , SE-11 , 2 , pp. 157-168 , February 1985 .
about SEL, the Software Engineering Laboratory
QuoteRef: weisDM2_1985 ;;Evaluating software development by analysis of changes: Some data from the software engineering laboratory.
| 160 ;;Quote: did not find error corrections to software causing new errors; could be result of experience or of monitoring development
| 161 ;;Quote: could collect and validate data on all changes concurrently with software development
| 161 ;;Quote: in SEL, programs written by many small changes to initial code; 40% correct errors, usually successfully
| 161+;;Quote: found most changes to initial code were unplanned; but did not cause new errors
| 161 ;;Quote: unplanned design modifications for optimization, improved services, or improved clarity and maintainability
| 161+;;Quote: after error corrections, unplanned design modifications were most common
| 161 ;;Quote: infrequent errors due to incorrect requirements, and misunderstanding of specifications, interfaces and tools
| 161+;;Quote: most common type of error was from the design or implementation of a single system component
| 161 ;;Quote: more than 75% of all changes to software took a day or less to make; large changes were infrequent
| 162 ;;Quote: reading code found the cause of most errors
| 162+;;Quote: program proofs, cross-references, attribute lists, and dumps were rarely used
| 162+;;Quote: most errors were detected by executing a program
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