ThesaHelp: references p-r
Group: software maintenance
Topic: software review
Topic: experimental results on programming
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Porter, A.A., Sly, H.P., Toman, C.A., Votta, L.G.,
"An experiment to assess the cost-benefits of code inspections in large scale software development",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 23, 6, June 1997, pp. 329-346.
329 ;;Quote: a typical release of the 5ESS switch is 0.5M lines of new and changed code on a base of 5M lines
| 329+;;Quote: a typical release of the 5ESS switch requires 1,500 inspections with four or more participants
| 331 ;;Quote: study of 130 software reviews during the development of 55K new lines of C++ code; managed and observed by an inspection quality engineer
| 331+;;Quote: random selection of software review treatments: 1,2, or 4 reviewers with 1 or 2 review sessions or 2 reviews with defect repair; all reviewers prepared ahead of time
| 331+;;Quote: during a review, one reviewer paraphrases the code, one reviewer is the moderator, and the author compiles the master list of defects
| 335 ;;Quote: issues reported across all code inspections: 22% false positives, 60% readability or coding standards, 18% true defects and inefficiencies; studied true defects
| 338 ;;Quote: two-sessions were no better than single session reviews and took twice as long
| 338+;;Quote: one reviewer plus author found fewer true defects than two- or four-reviewer teams
| 342 ;;Quote: review meetings located 30% of the true defects; the remainder were found during preparation; like Humphrey, while Votta studied design inspections
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ThesaHelp: references p-r (245 items)
Group: software maintenance (14 topics, 355 quotes)
Topic: software review (80 items)
Topic: experimental results on programming (75 items)