ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: programming language
Group: goals for a programming system
Topic: bugs
Topic: understanding systems
Topic: history of programming
Group: programming notation
Topic: symbolic representation
Topic: symbol table
Topic: handling complexity
Group: testing
Topic: software review
Topic: debugging by reading code
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Glennie, A.E.,
"The automatic coding of an electronic computer", Lecture Notes, University of Cambridge, February 1953, pp. 1-15.
Other Reference
Web dates as 12/14/1952 (QuoteRef: knutDE8_1976)
2 ;;Quote: programming is difficult because it is almost impossible to avoid blunders; main difficulty in using computers
| 2 ;;Quote: to make programming easy one must make coding comprehensible
| 4 ;;Quote: a notation for numerical analysis needs arithmetic operations, letters to represent storage locations, and assignment
| 7 ;;Quote: use English words to identify subroutines; start with a non-notational character and end with blank tape
| 7+;;Quote: lookup subroutine names by converting to a 20-digit number and searching a table
| 12 ;;Quote: 140 orders to translate algebraic notation into code; the most intricate program that Glennie produced
| 14 ;;Quote: algebraic notation makes programs easy to read and mentally check; reduces programming error and increases productivity
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