ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: automated tests of specifications and designs
Topic: problems with information retrieval
Topic: examples of coordination systems
Topic: programming environment
Topic: design documentation
| |
Soloway, E.,
"A cognitively-based methodology for designing languages/environments/methodologies ",
SIGPLAN, 19, 5, pp. 193-196, May 1984.
Other Reference
Software Engineering Notes vol 9, num 3
195 ;;Quote: design aids need to digest the information provided by the designer
| 195 ;;Quote: designers need help in keeping track of notes and recalling them appropriately; requires understanding of the design process and the problem
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references sa-sz (237 items)
Topic: automated tests of specifications and designs (12 items)
Topic: problems with information retrieval (51 items)
Topic: examples of coordination systems (23 items)
Topic: programming environment (46 items)
Topic: design documentation (43 items)