ThesaHelp: references e-f
Topic: software change management
Topic: multiple views for a user interface
Group: graphical user interface
Topic: change
Group: software maintenance
Topic: management of large software projects
Topic: programmer productivity
Topic: bug tracking system
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Eick, S.G., Graves, T.L., Karr, A.F.,, Mockus, A., Schuster, P.,
"Visualizing software changes",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 28, 4, April 2002, pp. 396-412.
abstract ;;Quote: richly linked visualization tool for software change data; discovery of high-level structures; effective access to details; used everyday
| abstract+;;Quote: visualization tool used multiple views composed from matrices, cityscapes, bar charts, networks, etc.; used for discovery of high-level structures and effective access to details
| 396 ;;Quote: adaptive changes add new functionality or supported environments, corrective changes fix faults, perfective changes and reengineering improves software maintenance
| 396 ;;Quote: telephone switch software has 100M lines of code, 100M lines of headers and make files, 20M lines per release, 50 subsystems, 5000 modules or directories, 10K developers, 15 years
| 401 ;;Quote: operator interaction software changed 150K times by 549 programmers; top 50 programmers made majority of changes, top 2 made 7% of changes
| 408 ;;Quote: high numbers of killed or no_change modification requests indicate poor MR quality; waste of time
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